Snow Shoveling, but California Dreaming

Now we are really counting the days (3) til we fly West to Party Italian-Style at the Spannocchia Fund Raiser. More news as it becomes available.

I was having this conversation with myself this morning: what would be more fun right now, Stew? Maine in March or California in March? On the one hand, I thought, gee you know Maine can offer these brisk and refreshing 10 degree temperatures, howling winds and 10 inches of new snow. On the other hand, I remembered that Steve of San Francisco had emailed me just yesterday that it was 72 degrees and sunny out there. Hmmm. OK, I have made my decision.

Now we are really counting the days (3) til we fly West to Party Italian-Style at the Spannocchia Fund Raiser. More news as it becomes available.

See you in Italy, or San Francisco!
