Today’s Egyptian Weather Forecast: 75, sunny and dry. With a chance of Champagne.

kikikarnakDay 11 Safaga, Egypt – Saw King Tut, a funny little mummy. Plus Luxor, Karnak, and Valley of the Kings. When we returned our crew met us dockside with champagne.

You are so funny, Stew. And once again, you don’t miss a trick. That shot of the sound gun was taken while we were transiting the Suez Canal. We emerged from the canal at the southern end, berthed at Sokhna, and drove two hours to Cairo to see the pyramids. And belly dancing.

If you haven’t posted it yet, that Cairo dateline should actually be Giza.

Thanks for the weather report. It’s 75 here. Same for the water. I’m going to try to send you an audio of the commodore’s veddy Brit noontime update from the bridge. As an old navy hand, you might enjoy it. He talks about the weather, position, depth, etc.

egyptianchampagneYes! London got dumped on, didn’t it? Diarmuid got pix from my cousin Ann.


Stew note: Just for context: Here in Siberia, I mean, Maine, it is zero degrees, plus or minus, with a chance of wind chill at minus twenty. Go Egypt. Way to score the weather.

Pirates of the Suez

You don’t miss a trick, Stew! The Athens port of Piraeus, which was to have been our port of call today, was closed because of high winds. Instead we went to Crete, which of course I liked – because of Nikos.

Tomorrow we have a piracy drill! We enter the Suez Canal after midnight Friday and at that point will be under escort and night-time lockdown. Suddenly I’m happy to have an inside cabin.

I can try video. Just don’t know how long it will take to send. Two photos seems to be pushing. I tried three but gave up ‘cuz the wireless minutes were ticking away.

These Brits are a complete riot. Just returned from a midnight snack with a very funny bunch. it’s 1:42 am, Stew!

Nighty-night. Have to be sharp for the drill!

Sent from my iPhone

Stew note: must be the time zone thing. Kiki after midnight? omg. ah, but i see they played the snack card.

Where the boys R

kikigreeceDay 7 Heraklion, Crete – Craig is a singer on the ship, a little bit fabulous, and all about fashion: He loved my fuzzy jacket.

Nikos is boss of the chic taverna where Diarmuid and I landed. You can’t see them but he’s working his worry beads – part of his smoking cessation plan.


Stew note to Kiki: i see a hint of Nikos worry beads there now. Speaking of worry. . . Good to see photo evidence of Diarmuid. Should I read anything into the fact that his trousers and the lifeboat covers are very complementary one to the other? Once again, signs of you guys trying to be one with the escape pods? Still snowing off and on in Maine. Your escape is so complete. You are all the way to Crete. Always wanted to see that. Hi to the Minoans?

Where in the world would we be?

Where would we be without Italy? And Pizza. In this case we were in Belfast. But not the one in Ireland, but the one in Maine named after it. Our Italian foreign exchange student from Padova was named Alexia so we took this shot for her. We were thinking of her because we hope to be in Padova soon! Alexia goes to Belfast

See how easily I can work our upcoming trip to Umbria into a conversation? Yes, can’t wait. We’ll see our daughter The Wiley Traveler in London for a couple days and then plan to spend the Merry Month of May in Panicale, Umbria and beyond. Places on our dream itinerary further from our garden include repeat visits to Rome, Siena, Padova, Lago di Garda and a long awaited visit to Trieste.

Stay tuned. We’ll see how this itinerary works out.
